Would Heu-risk It?
Lena Nyström
Test Strategist, Author and Public Speaker

Talk Description
Experiences and lessons learned from working with developing software since 1999 resulted in the “Would Heu-risk it?” concept. It all started with a workshop with Lisa Crispin but has since evolved into a card deck, blog posts, articles and a book draft in 2020.
“Would Heu-risk it?” is centered around risk analysis, heuristics, patterns/anti-patterns that affect us in designing, building, testing and running software. They are grouped into three distinct categories: Traps I see testers fall into, Tools I see testers use as super-powers and weapons testers could use to focus their work (also known as common weak-spots in building software).
This talk will be a compilation of my main learnings from 20+ years of building software, seeing the complexity from a developer, a tester, a test lead and a manager perspective.
We will use the 30 cards as a focal point to try and focus on what I believe are my most important learnings.
By the end of this session, you'll be able to:
- Testing heuristics as super-powers
- The importance of bug advocacy
- Up-skilling yourself
- Involving yourself in the entire process to shift left, right, up and down
- Different perspectives to software quality

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