Voice Is a New Frontier! Testing next Generation Interfaces - Lucian Adrian Stroie
Lucian Adrian Stroie
Technology Lead
Talk Description
The best interface is told to be the one that is seamless to interact with, and a new wave of interfaces based on text, voice or gestures is emerging based on this motto.
At the same time, these interfaces make use of advanced algorithms, ranging from pattern and expression matching engines to natural language processing, sometimes backed by AI algorithms and wrapped around as API services.
Given these starting conditions, testing interfaces based on voice, natural language, gestures or other camera-based inputs can raise challenges, from both the novelty as well as from the complexity point of view.
During this session the most important aspects of testing such interfaces will be covered sharing real-life experience on putting together the test strategy, tooling, hinting what to do and what to look for, highlighting the importance of modelling intents and transitions in the state-machine model of the tested system.
By the end of this session, you'll be able to:
- What is a non-conventional / next generation interface
- How can I build my testing approach for such an interface
- What from my current toolset can I use for this new context
- What are aspects to consider when encountering AI in the tester systems