Exploring Security in Day-to-day Testing

10th October 2023
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Richard Adams's profile
Richard Adams

Quality Coach

Exploring Security in Day-to-day Testing image
Talk Description
Security testing sounds like it might be best left to the “experts”, whoever they are, but I will share how we can include it in our day-to-day testing. From exploratory testing to API and automated testing, there are things that we can and should be doing.

Through my talk, I will share how I’ve learnt how my time spent on training courses and taking part in challenges has shown me that security testing is perfect for the exploratory tester. We will learn some basic techniques using just our browsers and also how free tools can help us along the way.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Describe what XSS, SQL injection and elevation of privilege attacks are
  • Recognise that security testing is something that they can & should be doing
  • Identify the "low hanging fruit" security bugs in their software
  • Execute penetration tests against an online system (workshop/activity only)
Richard Adams's profile'

Richard Adams

Quality Coach

After my first full time job as a games tester, I've had a varied career from Gameplay Systems Designer to Software Engineer for security systems with a couple of roles in between. I've since returned to testing as I have a huge passion for testing and just love finding bugs! As well as being a Quality Coach, I am also a Cyber Champion within my organisation. This means that I help drive good security practices and in particular I love getting the team involved in threat modelling. I also get free training on all things security! Out of work I love gaming and carrying on my interest in threat modelling, I have also created a card game called Threat Agents.
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