Experience Reports - JavaScript Edition

15th March 2021
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Talk Description

Our host Vernon Richards will be inviting people to share their JavaScript Experience Reports. You willĀ learn from your peers and gain a different perspective onĀ the challenges, maybe even discover a more efficient route to take!

This will be a guided learning experience, our speakers will demonstrate the different angles you can take on one challenge. We all have unique ways of thinking and this Experience Report will provide you with different tools that can be used, different logic, and how you can shift your thinking to come up with a cleaner way to reach the solution.

Jaswanth Manigundan -Ā Iā€™m Jas, a developer turned tester. I have spent most of my life doing some sort of programming. I started by drawing rectangles and circles using LOGO and now I work on building mobile apps for a living. I can speak 5 human languages and 5 programming languages šŸ˜‰. Even though writing code to build applications is so much fun, my now best friend showed me a few years ago that helping write good quality apps is much more fun. So I jumped into testing from being a developer and have never looked back since. It has been a very rewarding transition for me. I am very passionate about native mobile testing frameworks, especially Espresso (Android) and XCUI testing (iOS). Most of my day-to-day work involves testing mobile apps using native testing frameworks, but at the same time, making it as easy as it can be for developers and fellow testers to contribute to it. When I have some spare time, I spend it trying to automate some of the boring tasks. Which brings me to my favourite quote. Automate everything āŒ Automate within reason āœ… - A very wise friend of mine.

Jose Carrera -Ā Father of two. Working with software quality since 2006, currently a Senior SDET @comparethemarket.

Oliver Verver -Ā I've written my first software as a kid in the '90s, studied computer science and saw the corporate world as a Java consultant. After that I switched to web development at a smaller company and now I am learning mobile development as an independent developer. I love writing beautiful code, working in an agile environment and helping people achieve their goals.

Sandeep Singh Thukral -Ā I am a Software Professional with two decades of experience in the industry. I have worked as a Software Tester, Developer and a Business Analyst in India and in The Netherlands. I have worked at small startups as well as large organizations like IBM and Adobe. For the past five years I have been creating automated tests in Java, Python and now JavaScript. I love writing clean, maintainable and readable code and learn new tools and methodologies. These days I am focusing of collaborating with developers to introduce and extend testing lower in the testing pyramid, promote Shift Left and also production monitoring.


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