Your Weekly Testing News - Issue 415

Last week was a tough one for some of the testing community. Also in this week's newsletter: Discover testing events, helpful business posts, and many ways to learn and contribute.

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Last week was a tough one for some of the testing community.

We announced that we are shutting down the Ministry of Testing Slack and moving all live chat over to The Club. If you're on the MoT Slack, you can read the announcement and the follow-up message from our CEO, Richard Bradshaw. If you'd like to discuss this, please send me an email and we can set up a call. 

I'm excited about TestBash Spring 2023. A wonderful way for the community to connect. It has over 400 people registered to attend. That is a wild number! Thank you. It's gonna be amazing to get such a great bunch of the community together in one online space for the day. 

Can you help with the following?

  1. Adrian would like to know: How do we get users involved earlier in the development process to help find bugs before they reach production?
  2. What was your initial perception of a software testing career before starting? A brilliant question from Carlton. 
  3. Conrad is curious about DORA metrics. What's your experience been like?
  4. What part of your job would you give to AI to test faster? asks Tania. 
  5. Gem's been asked to present what goes into a quality strategy. What would you include? 
  6. What advice could you share with Ioan about test management plugins for JIRA?
  7. Have you written a blog this month? Add your blog post to this thread and inspire someone in the community. 💡 

Have a great week.

— Simon, CommunityBoss



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Simon Tomes
Community Lead at Ministry of Testing
Hello, I'm Simon. I've had various roles in testing, tech leadership and coaching since 2003. I believe in the power of collaboration, creativity and community.
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