Posted: Nov 29, 2018

Software Testing Company Directory

by Rosie Sherry

As the software testing community grows we are exploring ways on how to connect us all better.

As part of this we feel it is important to view the software testing world as a bigger picture and try to figure out ways we can all support each other.

One thing I’d personally like to achieve is finding the right balance of getting software testing related companies more involved and engaged.  This could be anything from independents, to consultancies, recruiters, software vendors/creators…and so forth.

There are just so many companies out there trying to do good things for the testing world.  I’ve already discovered a few new ones in the process of getting the first entries on there.  We feel it is important to gather as many of them as possible in one place.

Our first step is to get a big list of them together.  We’ve decided to do this in the form of a company directory, no cost associated so no excuses to not get listed!

We’re starting small because honestly, our resources are limited, but we have lots of ideas on how to build upon this seed as it grows.

I hope you’ll get your company added or check it out.

Or feel free to drop me an email (rosie [at] ministryoftesting [dot] com) if you'd like to chat to me about anything about this

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