Changes to Job Applications

Find out how we've enhanced the job applications feature

We are no longer submitting job applications directly through our site. Instead, the job posting will contain a link to where you will be able to apply. There are a number of reasons for this change, including:

  • We only sent your CV/Resume to the person who posted the job. This was not always the place where it should go.
  • If the company wanted any info not on a CV, we wouldn't know about it.

Note that existing job adverts will continue to submit job applications through our site. Any new job adverts created from today will use the new approach and link to where you will be able to apply.

Andrew Morton
MoT Developer
Fell into testing after getting a temporary job doing UAT and discovered he was actually good at it. Moved into development after deciding that the best way to build quality in was to do it.
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