Storytelling & Narratology for Software Testers

20th December 2018
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Marianne Duijst

Storytelling & Narratology for Software Testers  image
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Talk Description

Critical thinking skills are essential for software testers. They help us examine and expose our bias, find fresh perspectives on our software and our team dynamics, and allow us to learn from our hindsight moments. But to be truly effective, we need to harness our communication skills to advocate those insights to our teams, our product owners and our customers.

In this Masterclass, you'll learn how to tell more effective stories about your work by applying lessons from narratology, the study of how stories are constructed, to software development and testing. Using the Harry Potter books as an example, you will learn how to:


  • approach software from a different angle,
  • improve your critical thinking by applying lessons from analyzing literature to analyzing software,
  • seek fresh perspectives to supplement and inform your own,
  • examine your assumptions and logical leaps,
  • and create safe spaces for underrepresented voices to be heard.

This Masterclass is kindly sponsored by Applitools. Applitools is on a mission to help test automation, DevOps, and software engineering teams release apps that are visually perfect -- by providing the only commercial-grade solution that validates the user interface of any app in a fully automated manner. Find out more about Applitools.

By the end of this session, you'll be able to:

  • Outline the basics of narratology
  • Apply narratology theory to software development and testing
  • Recognise the importance of seeking fresh perspectives
Marianne Duijst works as an Agile Quality Coach at Sogeti, and held previous roles as a Tester, Software Engineer, Scrum Master, Developer and High School Teacher. She is a frequent speaker at testing conferences around the world and enjoys speaking about critical thinking, work culture and being a Girl Scout. She often sketchnotes to share and learn. Her love for IT and the Testing profession comes from a love for puzzles, logic, and structure mixed together with her creative, writing and crocheting mind. She loves to explore, meet people from different countries and cultures, read voraciously and dream outrageously.
Marianne Duijst works as an Agile Quality Coach at Sogeti, and held previous roles as a Tester, Software Engineer, Scrum Master, Developer and High School Teacher. She is a frequent speaker at testing conferences around the world and enjoys speaking about critical thinking, work culture and being a Girl Scout. She often sketchnotes to share and learn. Her love for IT and the Testing profession comes from a love for puzzles, logic, and structure mixed together with her creative, writing and crocheting mind. She loves to explore, meet people from different countries and cultures, read voraciously and dream outrageously.
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