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The Hidden Logic of Thinking for Testers

12:00 - 14:00 GMT
Location: Online

As everyone does, we testers think too, as it is our nature. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed, or down-right prejudiced. However, the quality of things we do depends precisely on the quality of our thought. To systematically cultivate excellence in thought & for skilled application of the thinking process, we need to understand how our brain is modelled along with learning and exploring how to spot gaps in our thinking process.

In the workshop, we'll question how we naturally think; how we can unleash its full potential; the art of questioning; how to challenge assumptions; modelling the thought process based on Socratic questioning & The Phoenix Checklist; Application of design thinking & meta-cognitive skills into our thinking process; thinking tools that can help to manage them; work through some real-life scenarios that model different testing problems to evaluate our thought process and suggest approaches to solve them correctly.