TestBash Germany 2018
TestBash, our software testing conference, is returning to Germany! After the huge success last year, we had to!
This year we are partnering with the awesome Vera Gehlen-Baum and Marcel Gehlen to bring TestBash back to Munich for another #OktoberTest!
We will be returning to Münchner Künstlerhaus am Lenbachplatz
This year is a 1-day event with an open space thrown in for good measure.
The Friday will be busy, a single-track conference consisting of 9 talks and our famously fun 99 second talks
On Saturday, we will be hosting our Open Space, a fantastic opportunity to create your own schedule with the other attendees to talk and learn about the topics that interest you.
On all the days, you can expect to find a wonderful community coming together in a friendly, professional and safe environment. We think you'll feel right at home as soon as you arrive!
Conference day starts from €349 inc VAT. Tickets are limited!