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Auckland Meetup

Then: Automate, automate, automate! Now: AI, AI, AI!
04:30 - 06:30 GMT
Location: Potentia Auckland

About the Topic
Over the past 40+ years, we've seen the importance and growth of test automation - but also the potential downfalls that come with it when implemented badly. Now, the emerging trend is on AI - and everyone either wants to get their hands on it, do something with it, or is worried about it. In this talk, you'll learn about what we've been seeing out there with AI, and what AI really means for the testing industry.

  • A look-back at Testing Trends
  • Automation - Expectations VS Reality
  • What is AI, really?
  • AI's Impact on the Testing Industry
  • AI Testing Tools - potential use cases and how to evaluate them - Expectations VS Reality)
  • Testing AI - what makes it different or is it the same? What are the risks with AI?

About the Speaker:
Mei Reyes-Tsai is the General Manager of Technology and Delivery at TTC Global. She started her career as an automation engineer (using IBM RFT!) - and with a passion for all things testing and quality, she has gradually transitioned into managing testing programmes ranging in different sizes, building testing capabilities and centres of excellence, across multiple projects and domains. Her current role merges strategic leadership with a hands-on approach to foster testing solutions across various sectors, which has involved contributing to business development and supporting various organisations' test teams through her technical expertise and consultancy. More recently, she has become one of the key members of TTC Global's AI Leadership Team - and is very passionate in sharing her insights to the testing community.

5:30 pm Pizza and networking
6:00 pm Talk
6:50 pm Q & A
7:00 pm More networking
7:30 pm Finish