Combating Bias with Heuristics of Diversity - Ash Coleman

3rd April 2019
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Ash Coleman Hynie's profile
Ash Coleman Hynie

Founder & CEO - CountrPT

Combating Bias with Heuristics of Diversity - Ash Coleman image
Talk Description

We as humans are incredibly crafty and resourceful. From the dawn of time, survival has depended on our ability to navigate the world through schemas and shortcuts in an effort to prolong our ability to exist. Over time we built up skills and habits in an effort to protect and preserve ourselves from the harsh elements. This evolutionary adaptation is nothing less than an amazing accomplishment, a true nod to Darwin who gave light to this survival tactic!

And it was! But now we are in year 2019. Conditions are a tad bit different than they were back in the day, and adaptation has changed these skills and survival mechanisms into biases. How do we build stronger communities in a time where borders are only meant to retain legalities, and our lives are increasingly benefitted by the mix and match of the diversity around us?

In this talk, I will address diversity by decoding bias, analyzing our current pitfalls in trying to retain a diverse culture, and provide some simple heuristics to help navigate the space that is Diversity and Inclusion.

By the end of this session, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Founder & CEO - CountrPT
Ash, a former chef, put recipes aside when she began her career in software development, falling back on her skills in engineering she acquired as a kid building computers with her brother. A progressive type, Ash has focused her efforts within technology on bringing awareness to the inclusion of women and people of colour, especially in the Context-Driven Testing and Agile communities. An avid fan of matching business needs with technological solutions, you can find her doing her best work on whichever coast is the sunniest. Having helped teams build out testing practices, formulate Agile processes and redefine culture, she now works as an Engineering Manager in Quality for Credit Karma and continues consulting based out of San Francisco.
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