By Mayura Taoself
AiT Online (June 2020)
I was considering a change of career when I attended my first MoT MeetUp and ever since then, I have found myself eager to learn more and wanting to be a part of the lively, supportive, and knowledge sharing MoT community.
I saw an ad for AiT Online and was keen to attend after looking through the course outline, but when I saw the cost there was a big can I afford it since I’ve recently become unemployed! However, I really wanted to get on the course and found that there was a scholarship opportunity available. It took me a while to pull the courage together to apply for it, but I am so pleased that I did.
The MoT’s Scholarship Fund Team works so efficiently. They got back to me in no time with the good news. I was delighted to learn that I got a place to attend the AiT Online!
I was excited to begin the course and did all the suggested preparation before the course started. The self-paced online courses were very well written and a good starting point for getting me ready for the course. The AiT Online was an intensive three-day course with an ideal mix of hands-on activities within assigned teams and presentations from day one. It gave attendees the opportunity to collaborate and learn from one another with help from both instructors, Mark and Richard, when required.
I learned a lot from the course. It has provided me with a good foundation and understanding of the key concepts of automation in software testing, an awareness of the various tools that are currently available, knowledge on how to use these tools to support testing and more. At the end of each training day, I found myself exhausted from learning so much but ironically equally energised as the course content was so interesting. I highly enjoyed the course and would recommend it to anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge in software testing.
I would like to thank both Mark and Richard for sharing their invaluable knowledge, for making the course informative but also fun, and for their support throughout the course.
Finally, I would like to thank the individuals, companies and the MoT for their generous donations to the Scholarship Fund which provided me with this fantastic learning and development opportunity to help increase my skills, knowledge and employability.
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