Career Crafting - Dare, Prepare, Share

24th November 2021
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Lena Nyström's profile
Lena Nyström

Engineering manager, Author and Public Speaker

Career Crafting - Dare, Prepare, Share image
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Talk Description

Growing up, Lena believed she could become anything. Do anything. No one ever told her that her dreams were too big or unrealistic. As the years passed, after hitting many walls and obstacles, something happened to that ability to look to the stars. She started hiding her dreams to avoid looking like a failure and stopped believing they could be achieved.

In this masterclass, Lena will take you on a journey of how she reignited her ability to dream and have big aspirations. You will then be guided on finding your own dreams. They might be hard to find after years of oppressing them, but once you start looking - they start appearing everywhere! And after speaking them out loud - you will find people everywhere who will go out of their way to help you achieve them. So, don’t be careful what you wish for; wish for the moon and the stars and be prepared to reach them.

This Masterclass was sponsored by Xray.  Xray - Native Test Management embeds the quality management process into the development workflow. With Native Quality Management, all QA tools, tests and processes are infused into the development environments you already work with, like Jira. So Quality and Development teams speak the same language, stay on the same page, and release consistently quality software -- together.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this masterclass, you'll be able to:

  • Discover the importance of sharing your dreams and aspirations
  • List practical steps you can take to craft the career your really want
  • Recognise your value and that people want to hear what you have to say
Lena Nyström's profile'

Lena Nyström

Engineering manager, Author and Public Speaker

Lena has been building software since 1999. After a decade of coding they found their heart in testing and that is close to their heart even today when they focus on building organisations and growing people rather than the software itself. Continuous improvement is a core value and they believe we should all strive to keep up to date and challenge ourselves, our assumptions and the way things are done. Lena is the author and creator of "Would Heu-risk it?" (card deck and book), avid blogger, speaker and workshop facilitator. On top of that, Lena combines skills learned through the years in their day job as Engineering Manager. Lena lives outside of Stockholm, Sweden with teenage kids, partner and way too much games, sewing machines and books.
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